Today I had a great meeting with Lemongrass spa. They asked me to create a tea line that would be used in sync with the 7 Chakras. I thought, "wow, how neat, combining my medicinal skills and meshing it energetically." It's interesting to take something you know so well one way and putting that to use on a different level. Challenging a little. I enjoyed this project!
If you are not familiar with the 7 Chakras Here is a brief description:
The 7 Chakras are the energy centers in our body in which energy flows through.
Blocked energy in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness so it's important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.
I decided to use the herb Lemongrass as the base for each tea,(The spa being called Lemongrass and all) I then used the appropriate balancing herb to blend. The owner absolutely LOVED all 7 herbs. She had tears in her eyes when she read my sheet with the descriptions and saw that I used Lemongrass for each one. Said I truly saw her vision with this project. To me, it was a no brainer!
Here are the 7 chakras and the blends I came up with for spa:
7 Chakra balancing teas
1. Root chakra, representation of being grounded: Base of spine, tailbone:
Lemongrass/Dandelion root
2. Sacral chakra, nourished, creativity-sensual expression- below navel, between ovaries: Lemongrass/Calendula
3. Solar plexus chakra, intention, confident, in control of own life- upper abdomen, stomach area:
Lemongrass/Marshmallow root
4. Heart chakra, ability to love, heart center:
Lemongrass/Hawthorne berries
5. Throat chakra, ability to communicate, self expressive:
Lemongrass/Red clover
6. Third eye chakra, to see the big picture, to focus, insight:
7. Crown chakra, wisdom, enlightenment, to be fully connected, spiritually:
h I'm glad they loved it and that I could see her vision with this line. I will keep you all informed. This is going to be a big account, and she is very well connected with in the community. I will supply my tea with in their tea garden, (yes I said it! Tea freakin garden!) and then create this line, and packages.. EEEP! I have my work cut out for me and need to get some solid business advice..
Anywa, I hope you liked learning a little about the 7 Chakras and the herbs that balance them!
Have a great day!